Smart Supply Chain 💡🔗
QR Codes are now a common form of technology used to connect the physical and digital worlds. With the rapid adoption of QR Codes over the past 3 years, we have just scratched the surface of QR Code applications. Companies such as Openscreen are using QR Codes to power asset-tracking applications, allowing them to track a product through its entire lifecycle.
Smart Supply Chain Tracking
A QR Code can be included in the development of product packaging for tracking a product as it flows through its lifecycle. Using an application built for a smartphone or tablet, employees can scan QR Codes on a product package and the exact location of that item can be updated instantaneously. QR Codes can be used to accomplish the same tracking capabilities as microchips, low-range Bluetooth, & RFID tags when tracking an item from packaging to sale with a much smaller environmental footprint. On top of that, the QR Code on the packaging can later be used for marketing & promotions or customer service.
Power of QR Codes
QR Codes can direct users through different workflows depending on the user who is scanning, the App being used to scan, or even based on programmed settings into the QR Code itself based on where it is throughout its lifecycle.
Openscreen, a Toronto-based SaaS company is creating end-to-end supply chain tracking solutions that utilize unique QR Codes on each asset being tracked within the system. Each asset is tagged with a unique Dynamic QR Code that generates a scan object anytime a user scans the QR Code. Scan objects provide insight on both the time and location of the scan. Users scanning the QR Code are able to make updates and store valuable data on the asset as it moves throughout the supply chain.
Key Takeaways
- Dynamic QR Codes can update and store valuable data on an asset allowing for an end-to-end supply chain solution.
- Every time a QR Code is scanned the time & location of the scan is captured and stored.
- QR Codes for supply chain tracking don’t require any new technology and will actually reduce waste throughout a supply chain process by eliminating devices such as barcode scanners, microchips, low-range Bluetooth, & RFID tags with a simple replacement of downloading an App on your mobile device or tablet.
- QR Codes can direct users through different workflows depending on who is scanning or where the QR Code is programmed in it’s lifecycle.